Friend Groups of 3

Glorious weather, 15 strong, renege on request for headlamps and we are off Warm up mozy around the parking lot followed by SSH, GM, Hillbillies and Mountain Climbers Full House arrives a Full 2 minutes late. Penalty burpee for each minute. Now we are 16 Run to stoplight at the corner of the lake and note your finishing spot. Groups of 3 based on pace become your Friend Group for the remainder of the workout. [Read More]

A Royale with Cheese

Pre-Blast 8, then 10, hungry wolves each scarfed down a Royale with Cheese BIB. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Turn left out of the lot onto Regency. Run to the upper lot. 1 GM 100 SSH (IC) 75 LBC (IC) 50 TRSQ (IC) 25 Burpees The Thang Grab some cheese (cinder block) from Parker’s truck. Beginning at one end of the lot, run to the first light pole with your block for 25 burpees. [Read More]

Revenge Tour Kick Off

No need to get into details, but the last time YHC posted at DTP he almost left in an ambulance. Some guy probably once said “you can break my body, but you can’t break my spirit.” That guy was also probably concussed. But whatever. Let’s call it a mantra and get this revenge tour kicked off. No FNGs so we go to the Pledge. Warmup: Mosey around to the other side of the church and circle up: [Read More]

Triple D Dora

This was just the most interesting picture of Miss Dora I found on the Googles. 23 PAX showed up on a brisk Monday morning to shake off the rust from the weekend and perhaps sweat out a few toxins. YHC, along with Two Factor and Sooey, took a little 2 mile EC jaunt prior to the ME. No FNGs, somewhat of a disclaimer and mission statement, recited the pledge and we were off. [Read More]

The Triple Nickel

It’s BRR Season, and that means hills and excessive (debatable) running at most AO’s, especially if you’re not on a BRR team. Today was no exception, and 13 studs posted at the earliest AO in all of Carpex this warm, muggy morning, several of whom just ran the Maynard the day before. I remember when Recovery-sacking was customary after a Maynard. Those good ‘ole days were just last year! I wanted to ensure I was prepared, so in the event a pax or two were just adamantly opposed to doing the BRR Prep workout, I had something special for them, though I advised against it. [Read More]

76° with 90% humidity

Three met at 4:45 (GTL/Denali/Largemouth) for a few EC lake laps and got the sweaty slogfest started. With adequate time left for a shoe change #Denalisignaturemove, the rest of the PAX gathered. 5:15 a.m. on the clock so we mosey to the big parking lot. Warm up 15 Imperial Walkers 15 Side shuttle hops 5 Good mornings 15 standard merkins 15 Mountain Climbers Next up is a favorite of YHC, the BLIMPS circuit. [Read More]

4x4 the Cary way

Warm-up: Over to the big lot for GM, SSH, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Merkins, Mountain Climbers The Thang: 4x4 in the corners on 5 Carolina Dry Docks 10 American Hammers 15 Ranger Merkins 20 Yogi’s favorite sit up (WWII) … four times through all dat Move the pax to the back side of Koka Booth for 10,15,20 on LRSU, dips and LBC Move the pax back to the lot for a round of AYG with some football starting positions Mary from a trio of the pax and we’re out! [Read More]