Time Flys.

Over the past five years, my life has undergone a remarkable transformation since “joining” F3. It all began with a chance encounter in my neighborhood, where I was minding my own business, on a walk on one of the greenways when a stranger approached, asking if I was with them. Perplexed, I inquired, “Who are you?” He hastily explained what F3 was, and as I headed home after my walk that morning, where I couldn’t shake off the feeling that it might be some sort of cult! [Read More]

Welcome FNG Soup Cans

The PAX visited the former aerospace parts factory, now elementary school, for a series of AMRAPs & pickle runs. Warm ups were done at the little turn off between the park gate and the school. ME: There is a small pickle and a big pickle at the school. The PAX took turns running first the small pickle … then the big pickle … then the small pickle in groups. Meanwhile the remaining PAX AMRAPed various exercises from merkins, to LBCs, to squats and CCDs. [Read More]

When are we going to start disturbing the peace?

So, Day 1 at A-Team was a nice intimate pax of 4 for the bootcamp, 3 for some ruck/walking. Day 2 was no such luxury. About 17 or so converged on the subfreezing temperatures in the very center of the Peak City. YHC fought a slow defroster to arrive with about 5 minutes before go-time. Feeble old eyes couldn’t make out the shovel flag, but the pax took joy in pointing out the HUGE flag at the fire station. [Read More]

50 is the new...

As seen in YHC’s front yard 50. 50 years old. Damn. I remember when my Dad turned 50. The next year, he retired. I am NOWHERE near being able to do that. I’ve been terrible at Qing and even posting in the past few months. Haven’t posted more than 3 days in a week in a long time. So, I put a challenge out to myself; Q every day during my respect birthday week. [Read More]

2017 was 5 years ago?

It is hard to believe that 2017 was 5 years ago but alas here we are celebrating my 5 years of doing this thing we call F3. I am still not sure why I started in January since I really do not like cold but so glad I decided to join Crimson all those years ago. A little known fact is I did not start posting regularly until early March 2017 frequently using the too cold excuse. [Read More]

27 years and counting

Frustrating game for YHC to sort of watch last night. Flip and family were over for dinner and board games so the game was on mostly in the background but every time I looked up, something not good was happening. The 49ers were scoring… Elliot was gaining 0.1 yard… penalty after penalty. Then, after getting Cowboy Nation excited with the prospects of a major comeback, Mike McCarthy turns into Barry Switzer (or maybe he was all along) and Dak does his best Romo impressonation and we are now at 27 years since Michael, Emmitt and Troy last lifted the SB trophy. [Read More]

Plank Destroyers and Elevator Rides

10 HIMs gathered for another Thursday workout at Hot For TaeKwonDo or Hot for Tate or Hot for Teacher (who knows the name anymore). After a stellar pre-blast from Qwerty about Principal Rooney, nostalgic movies, law enforcement, and trespassing, I knew it was going to be a great morning. YHC did some recon earlier in the week and had plenty of options for the beatdown. After realizing there were no FNGs, the F3 mission was recited as well as the pledge. [Read More]

90 Days Later, I'm not a runner & Happy Birthday to Me!

After missing out of Qing for 90 days (I did post up with some IR and typical beat downs) I’m back to checking off a few boxes. With that.. today’s theme was “I’m not a runner” and I took the Joe Isuzu approach: I lied. Arrived early on this brisk birthday to scope out the surroundings as it had been a hot sec since posting here, I wanted to confirm my idea and memory. [Read More]

Are we still doing this?

I know we have a newfangled method of tracking workouts with attendance and what happened on slack with PaxMate, but part of me still enjoys typing it out for posterity. Anyway, as Triple Lindy and I were discussing running plans for this morning, I remembered I had a late softball game Tuesday night. It’s cool we can just run Friday. And then our boy Happy Gilmore dropped the SNS pre-blast and I was reminded I did indeed have the Q. [Read More]

Promises were made. Q-drenalin is real. Back In Black, Oct 28th 2021

Made the commitment to VQ BiB a few weeks ago. Since then…body has fallen apart. Left ankle injury, neck strain at the Super Shield Lock BiB AO, and then my right ankle started feeling really dodgy after my Tuesday run. Several rounds of PT with Erin and plenty of needles. This AM my body is only being held together by pills, creams, and strong black coffee. Come hell or high water, this thing is going to go down. [Read More]