Pajama Party @ FWD

Little late here in writing this BB….sorry folks! Tuesday, 11/20. 17 HIMS met up at FWD for a morning full of fun, some, 1, still wearing Pajamas. But I am no fashion police. Quick intro to the PAX and we are off. WARMUP Quick jog from the parking lot, to the first playground. Dang its dark. First fail of the morning and we are only a minute in. I did a recon the day before and thought, why don’t we use this first playground? [Read More]

Thankful (especially for FNGs on Thanksgiving)

YHC is thankful for many things; my loving family, a full table this Thanksgiving, and a purpose-driven career. But, above all things, I’m thankful for the blessings of FNGs on Thanksgiving Day. More to come, but first: The annual Thanksgiving Convergence means the men of Carpex descend upon the finest AO in all the land, Bradford’s Ordinary, and this year the weather right-perfect for a proper beatdown. EC run waves launched at 0600 and 0630 (psst, Frisco showed up at 0538 texting YHC, “um when are we starting? [Read More]


11-19-88. It’s a number I’ve recorded a ton of times, and now it’s 30 years in the past. Warmup. This is Kryptonite, you get no warmup. Follow me out to Ederlee and the lake greenway entrance. Pause for 30 merkins, OMD. Partner up for a catch me if you can around the lake with 8 cadence prisoner squats (or just sprint if you’re Flip Flop). Rendezvous at the fence. 10 penalty burpees followed by 30 LBCs, IC. [Read More]