When Sargent Squatter Came to T2I

Seeing Ausfahrt you might think “Wow, that guy is so lazy, he never runs anywhere”. But while lazy may be true for his personal hygene when it comes to working out the guy is tough as nails. Some of the newer guys may not know his story. Not long ago he was riding his motorcycle when he was hit by a truck (I think it was a half-ton truck, too! [Read More]

Birthday Beatdown!

Good morning Pax and welcome to my birthday Q! I was too excited to sleep last night and woke up a good 1.5 hours early for the start of Phoenix. No FNG’s today so quickly through the disclaimer and pledge. Mosey around parking lot and circled up for warmup. SSH, a very slow good mornings, seal claps, and calf stretches. That’s enough of that as I needed all the time I can get for the beatdown. [Read More]

Staring straight down 44

YHC has but few rules to live by. Love the Lord. Love your neighbor. Q on your birthday and your F3 anniversary. Maybe I’ve skipped a few between the second and third one on the list, but it was relevant on Saturday 8/10/2019 at Phoenix. A crowd of Q-shoppers gathered along with one FNG (brought out by Blind Date, whom I’d not met before), and we issued a brief disclaimer and Mission, and headed off to the Community Center. [Read More]

Exicon ABC

43 in attendance. 3 Ruckers, 16 Bootcampers, bunch of runners including those that ran the Maynard. What a way to start off “hump day”…in the doom and gloom of SNS. I am starting a series called Exicon ABC. We will be using exercises from those three (or sometimes 4) letters of the alphabet until we complete the alphabet. Today was ABC. Warm up Abe Vigoda Alternating shoulder taps in a plank position Annie (Arm circles from a plank position) Thang 1 [Read More]

Biner Hops

OK, this is getting strange. I don’t Q that often, but the last 4 out of 5, there has been some sort of Carpex 2nd F late nite event the night before my Q (just to be clear, late is def past 10:30 for me). Last night was no exception. After work I get couple texts from some of the Carpex boys, “You want to go see a movie”? 7 p,m. [Read More]

Four dudes and a sandbag

After the storms last night, it was a super humid morning at Carpex’s finest official Ruck AO. We had a PAX making his Virgin Ruck, so YHC decided to make it pretty basic. Remember that basic does not mean easy. Warm Up After a solid mile or so EC ruck with Carvana, we were joined by Geek Squad and Torpedo (Torpedo). With my trunk of goodies opened up, we provided Torpedo with a 20# rucksack, and I brought out a 40 pound sandbag, which would be our travelling buddy. [Read More]

Two Drink Minimum

Wow, the weather forecast was intimidating for my first Q at Rush Hour. I seriously thought it might be just me and Theismann, and I was nervous at trying to keep up with him, even when he is wearing a 20# weighted vest. So I packed up a cooler with some waters and cold towels as a mini SAG station, and headed down to lovely DTC. To my surprise, it was the largest turnout that I’ve experienced at Rush Hour, a PAX of 9, including two of our Friendly SW Guys (FSWGs - both of whom were wearing weighted vests). [Read More]

The Freedom Trail July 4th Convergence

@Qwerty, @Red Ryder and YHC met last week to plan the 2019 July 4th Convergence hoping to create something special. Our goal was to keep the PAX together in order to preserve fellowship and maybe a few exercises in-between. The disclaimer was disclaimed, the F3 Mission was delivered and Whitney Houston’s Star Spangled Banner put the PAX in a USA state of mind that included a Fly Over courtesy of Delta. [Read More]

Rucking into Independence Day

6 BARs gathered at the Citizens’ Center in the glorious early July 4th morning for some ruck shenanigans. YHC showed up last (not unusual but a trend I am trying to buck), and prepared to get going. Thang 1: Pre-Convergence Coupon Ruck We promptly distributed 130 pounds of coupons in the form of two 40 pound sandbags and one 50 pound former-fire-hose-turned-sandbag. For the uninitiated reading this, “coupons” are the term for any additional weight that must be carried by the PAX during a ruck workout. [Read More]

Odd Couple

Pre-Blast 17 (+2 Ruckers) for partner work at #ao-mon-ateam. 6 for great discussion at #qsource. Great start to the week! Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Run to the midway parking lot on the right. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, Zebra Butt Kickers, Diamond ‘Mericans, WG ‘Mericans. Partner up, size matters. Run to the front of the back lot. Thang 1 Partner Carry across the lot and one time around the circle. [Read More]