BRR Prep

Pre-Blast 19 for BRR prep at #ao-sat-phoenix and the Feline 15K. 3.75+ miles of hillz, Wolverines, and burbeez. The runners just ran. @Jigglypuff was there. EC run of 2.5 too for a few. @Texas Ranger, et al. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag 1 (or so) mile warmup run around to the east entrance of the park and down the hill to the Jersey Mike’s parking lot at the bottom of the hill. [Read More]

Zen Zen Flex Again

17 HIM descended upon Phoenix for what YHC promised would be a very limited run workout, with a heavy dose of flexibility. We had 1 FNG, Liam from New Jersey, so a thorough and complete disclaimer was in order. Apparently YHC got a little bit loquacious, prompting Callahan to point to his watch, “6:31” and an indignant look of “let’s get on with it” on his face. So off we went. [Read More]

Billy Run The Back Way

Gotta be honest, YHC was a little nervous headed into this morning’s workout. I’ve Q’ed a million times, but this was my first hour long solo Q. Could I handle the extra fifteen minutes? Let’s find out. Warm-Up Face the Flag for the Pledge, then take a lap around the parking lot before circling up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cotton pickers and burpees. The Thang Mosey out to the park entrance and travel along High House Road to the other entrance, stopping at each light pole for ten merkins, then continue down Bond Park Drive to the Lazy Days Playground, stopping at every other light pole for ten squats. [Read More]