Another Rainy Day in Hell's Bells

When: February 26th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: WWW, Wilbur, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, YHC Earhart For what feels like the 5th Monday in a row, it is raining for HBs. YHC plan for the workout was curtailed as we cannot use the Bells in the wet. So, thanks to a well-lit and roomy shelter right next door, the Q will be in there. We drag the bell’s into the shelter and distribute them around the different benches (or is it pain stations). [Read More]

Apex's newest Kettlebell Workout - Hells Bells

Another great Monday morning to start at the best AO in Apex (I’m biased of course). Nine (9) fellow animals were out this morning getting their workout with the assistance of some 25lb to 45lb friends. It’s a great way to start your week and have I said how good the group is? PAX: Earhart, Sooey, Crimson, Capone, Beaker, WWW, Red Ryder, Wilbur and Monkey Nut We all roll in about the same time, at said time we start grunting like Crimson. [Read More]

Hell's Bells Beatdown

14 HIMs taking on Hells Bells Beatdown When: February 12th, 2018. QIC & YHC: WWW. The PAX: Crimson, Ryder, Sooey, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, Earhart, Parker, Wilbur, BOGO, Pickles, Shut-in, Water Wings, WWW. Q’s first time leading HIMs for a Hells Bells kettlebell beatdown. It was a little bit warm this morning so it was a good time to get our sweat on. I was a little worried because it was 5 minuts to start time and only Shut-in and Sooey had a kettlebell. [Read More]

It's like 11's but with harder math

It was a beautiful morning at Sovereign Grace Church. The pre-beatdown discussion included questions about appropriate attire for the weather. Shorts or long pants? T-shirts or long sleeves? Turns out the conditions were perfect no matter how we dressed. Let’s get after it! Warm-Up Mosey around the front parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, cotton pickers, Sir Fazios forwards and backwards, and burpees. It’s Tortoises and I’m the Q, you know you’re getting burpees. [Read More]

Kettlebells in the Gloom

When: February 5th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Crimson, Red Ryder, WWW, Sooey, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, YHC Earhart YHC a little groggy this morning after a great SB and had not planned much for this edition of Hell’s Bell’s. We drag the bell’s into the shelter, and, coming in hot is Monkey Nut. He brings the 45lb pain while we distribute the rest of the bells on the tables. [Read More]

Vanilla is my middle name

Yeah, so relatively speaking I may lack a little in the creativity department when it comes to creating a workout. Oh well. When we’re all sucking wind 20 minutes in, no one is complaining that I didn’t dig deep enough into the F3 exicon. Any chatter at that point is usually a result of all of us pushing harder, getting better. 15 PAX got the basic treatment at Dante’s Peak this morning. [Read More]

Buy One Get One

20 mph wind and driving rain, but no thunder. Time for YHC’s VQ. Warm up: Mosey to the lower lot with high knees mixed in. SSH x 20, CP x 10, WGM x 20, PJ x 20 Thang #1 Sevens Escalating Star Jumps starting at sidewalk to baseball field Hand-release merkins at crosswalk by the shelter Thang #2 Mosey to the lower field/pitch for a round of BOGO’S B - Broad jump burpees across the field O - O-face 10 count in each direction OMO; mosey length of the field for G - Gorilla hop across the field O - Overhead clap x 41 S - Sumo squats in middle of field x 41 OMD Fortunately for the PAX they then received another round of BOGO’s for free [Read More]

Fight Back

8 HIMs had no interest in letting the snow be an excuse to sleep-in and in doing so resolved to Fight Back against the weatherman, Mr. Sandman, Father time and oh yes, we placed an emphasis on strengthening our backs. Betsy Ross’s contribution is not lost on the men on F3 and so we Pledge our Allegiance once again. Warm-up - 1 mosey around the parking lot, followed by another with high knee, butt kickers, shuffles to the L, shuffles to the R - Circle up for: - 24 Arm circle with coordinated Left foot circle clockwise, reverse for another 24 - 24 Arm circle with coordinated Right foot circle clockwise, reverse for another 24 - 24 Imperial Walkers [Read More]