Partner Work for 2 Year Anniversary

12 PAX helped celebrate my 2 year anniversary with F3. There were 3 Honors and 2 Respects. Some chatter as to if SWW will become the older AO of Friday mornings. We saw the end of the lunar eclipse during warm up, disappointed that I didn’t make an effort to see it earlier. Today I focused on partner and group work because that is one of the things I enjoy about F3, men working together to get better. [Read More]

What Ship Do You Captain?

The original Q had a last-minute conflict, so I grabbed the slot last night. It’s arm day. 19 Pax showed up for a Back-in-Black with no announced Q. Carpex 1stF Q Hermes was in attendance and took note. 5:15 start. I’m running a Q School 101 session in October, so I led with the mission and core principles, even though I was in front of the all-star team. Nailed the principles; work to be done on the mission. [Read More]

We'll Get It Right Eventually

The gloomiest AO in Cary in downright pleasant as dawn starts to creep in. A nice crowd is already gathered around the flag as YHC rolls in. Pledge. Take a lap around the parking lot and circle up on the basketball court. 5 GM IC 25 SSH IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC Calf Stretch 15 Merkins OMD Calf Stretch 15 Merkins OMD Runners Stretch Move over to the jogging path and line up behind YHC. [Read More]