Thou Shalt Not Cadence Count...

Today is my birthday. I turned 55. The rules say I have to Q and we have to do Triple Nickels, presumably because we don’t have Double Nickels so here we are. I do not make the rules. I am bound by precedent. A small brightly lit mob of EC runners joined a comfortable number of PAX who happened to wander in to Slippery When Wet. After a brief introduction and the Pledge of Allegiance we were off… [Read More]

9/3/21 SWW 4 year anniversary

24 total PAX. Pineapple and Chops were not there, even though they clicked the HC button. I assume they know what HC stands for. Half was there. I assume Burt told him he should go. Lookout ran a bunch of miles so we would quit asking him how he felt and was there for COT. It was a glorious 57 degrees on the Trusty Tundra Thermometer. Spectacular relief from the recent sweatfests. [Read More]

Do you even plan, bro?

A few weeks ago, I realized I had not Q’d a single Monday workout in 2021. Well, that seems to be a problem which needs fixing. Meet up at 5:05 at Wolverine to run some hills with Ma Bell. Return to a parking lot of HIMs at 5:28. Warm Up Run across the street to the pool parking lot. Circle up for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, with a little Pigeon thrown in there. [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

15 gathered to get ready for the workout. YHC informed the pax of the plan to get a location where we could hopefully catch a glimpse of the SpaceX rocket. One FNG and the disclaimer given. Mosey towards the lake near Lochmere for a warm-up consisting of SSH, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Merkins and Plankjacks Move down the street for Dips and Irkins at a location ideal to see the rocket [Read More]

It's gettin' real in the Whole Foods parking lot

Warmup, Sabre is late, 10 burpees Mosey to Whole Foods parking lot. Run each drive lane in parking lot, 10 burpees at the top, 25 LBCs and 10 Merkins at the bottom. Mosey to playground area: 15 step downs per leg, 15 backwards lunges each leg, 15 heels to heaven, 15 merkins, Repeat x 4. Steps downs and lunges completed one leg at a time. To stairs for 100 calf raises [Read More]