A Quiet FWD

A calmness and cool 66 degrees captivated 10 apparently groggy HIM this morning at FWD. With no mumble chatter apparent, I gave a brief disclaimer, and we then started with The Pledge. Mozy up and behind the shopping center to the large parking lot for warm ups. Good Mornings SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse Seal Claps Overhead claps Merkins Calf Stretches / Runners stretch Mozy to Corner of lot for Thang 1: 4 Corners [Read More]

Hunger Games

Pre-Blast 10 Low Country Beasts joined YHC at the Brig on HHI. The Warmup Run to HHI HS’s parking lot. Circle up for: GM, WM, CP, SM. The Thangs ONE: AYG to the end of the school lot. THREES: up and down the first row in the school lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. FIVES: up and down the second row in the school lot, High Knees up the hill for Star Jumps, Butt-kickers down the hill for Sumo Squat Jumps. [Read More]