Nice Cool Fountain Water

Well, another Tuesday night has come and gone just that fast. Which meant the finest and only evening AO in Carpex took place. This week, though only 5 pax posted, YHC was thrilled to have a variety of guys who showed up for the beatdown, as far as their their presence at Rush Hour is concerned. We had two familiar faces with Press On and his (fur) 2.0, Briefs. We had a first time RH post from Entitlement, and we also saw the return of the one and only Disco Duck! [Read More]

Cycles of 3

5 Pax and 1 K9 Pax made it out to another great winter’s evening in downtown Cary. Or, I guess you could say (un)winter, cause the weather was great and temperatures remained nicely in the 60s pretty much all day. There may have even been a momentary thought of letting the routine of “feet in the fountain” make a return. But that’s only for summer time for obvious reasons. Plus, if this is what winter is going to be like, then we’re definitely going to need that routine when summer actually does arrive… [Read More]