Dodgerless Point Break Vanilla Beatdown

16 Pax showed up on a unseasonably warm October morning including about 5 of the standard EC runners. Started with the pledge and circled up. Was prepared to start off with 15 burpees if there were any Dodger fans in the house but no one took the bait. Did the usual Warmarama instead with SSH, Good Mornings, Tappy Toes, Box Cutters, Homer to Marge, Runners Stretch and Squat Holds. Mosey to the Main Pavilion doing butt kickers, high knees and Karaoke on the way [Read More]

Once more unto the breach

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; For here at A-team were we once infected. Twas but a week (maybe more) ago whence we learned Of the ill-will brought upon us by a virus from lands afar. This morn was no celebration. No anniversary. It was merely an opportunity to Q - Nay, to Lead! For A-team is an OG site. One of the first. And such is the spirit of A-team that one must show [Read More]