Somehow lured into Q-ing by Crimson, I warned him that I had no time to plan, but would step up anyway. I had some music (Classic Rock including Bob Seger) and a couple of ideas from the 327 other posts I have had. This was a Happy Vaxxers pop-up AO, designed to keep safe a couple of PAX who we know are going under the knife in the coming days. If you’re vaxxed, you’re welcome to attend. [Read More]

Good to be back on the horse

After a long hiatus, I stepped up to take the Q at Tin 2 Iron. This is one of the newer AO’s since I first joined F3 in the summer of 2019. I took a long break from F3, I could blame COVID but that’s an excuse, really got lost in life but continued to follow the PAX remotely. Many of the men stayed in contact with me and I appreciated that so much. [Read More]

The Hangover Q

To quote Jimmy Buffett, “It’s a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.” Or in this case Friday night and Saturday morning. This installment all happens to be Captain Jack’s fault, but that is a story for another time. OTR waits for no man, and the sweat will help everybody - especially YHC. 0620 and someone is already skateboarding at this place. Contrary to popular belief, skateboarders have no chill. [Read More]

"That Was in My Mouth"

As you might imagine, it took YHC some time to locate an SFW graphic that fits with this particular title. A-Team is the spot where YHC attended his first Carpex workout and then performed his VQ. Just for nostalgia, we will recreate that VQ today. No FNGs. Pledge. Let’s go. Warm up: Mosey to the top parking lot to the right and circle up: 20 SSH IC 10 GM IC 10 Standard Merkins OMD Calf Stretches L/R 10 Wide Grip Merkins OMD 10 Daisy Pickers IC Whenever I see Chipper and Francois show up to the same workout, I know that there is a significant statistical likelihood that something amusing is going to happen. [Read More]

All The People

YHC has most recently led workouts that numbered three and four people, respectively. So I am not mentally prepared for the mass of humanity that descends on DTP this Tuesday morning. People keep pouring out of cars like Decal is handing out money or has an extra supply of gasoline. We need a slight change of plans to handle the crowd, but the show will go on. No FNGs. Pledge. [Read More]

Pollen Angels

60 degrees and glorious at the pristine new home of the Cougars. The pollen is THICC. But 8 brave souls don’t care about allergies. No FNGs. Pledge. Mosey across campus and circle up on the roof top parking deck. 15 IW IC 10 Sir Fazio IC 10 OH Clap IC 10 Fazio Sir IC 10 Daisy Pickers IC 10 GM IC Calf Stretch Stay put to run the 7 of Diamonds. [Read More]