
12 HIM came out to learn more about 2T3S. How does this simple statement impact our lives, our family and friends. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control 2T - Toughness Physically & Mentally - To serve our families and community as leaders we must prepare ourselves. It is not easy to get up at 5am (most) everyday and work ourselves to a pulp, suffering through a beatdown. [Read More]

Parking Lot Pain

14 Pax gathered at FOD on this humid morning to get better. THE WARM UP: Run up and down Brooks Park Ln, mix in high knees / high heels / side hops / karaoke SSH 25x IC and Imperial walkers 10x IC at top Merkins 10x IC and Mountain climbers 10x IC at bottom Circle up, count off THE THANG, PARKING LOT PAIN: Partner up, starting parking lot (meetup spot) [Read More]

Bones-Bones-Bones-Bones Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones, Bones…

…Now tell me what ya gonna do, When it ain’t nowhere to run (haha, Shut-in reminded me of this Bone Thugs-n-Harmony song and I think I’ll start my next Q with this in the background) F3 started for me in Churham at The Falcon approximately two years ago, later spending 1 year as Co Site Q at Tobacco Road. After moving from Durham to Cary 1 year ago this month, I was past due for my first Carpex Q. [Read More]

Audible City

18 of the best looking gentlemen in F3Carpex convened at the greatest Area of Operation in the nation: DangerZone! A FNG roared in a sweet looking 1962 Mustang (could have been a 1954-1968 Mustang, I have no idea, but it was a classic car nonetheless). Small talk and Smack talk ensued until 5:45 a.m., and we were off to run around The Pickle…… …..ooops, forgot to give disclaimer to FNG. In an unprecedented move, the disclaimer was provided by YHC to the mustang guy while on the run, who then said something about his niece being bad, YHC “I’m sure she’ll be OK”, FNG said something like No my sneeze is bad, YHC “probably the humidity”, then FNG yelled at me “My knees are bad”! [Read More]

The CarPEX Declaration Celebration

In honor of this Carpex’ declaration of independence this year from F3 Raleigh, we hijacked the nation’s birthday…no this was about America. And Independence. And Revolution. And Democracy. And Old Glory. And rockets red glare. And Freedom. And moon shots. And heroes. And Bald Eagles. And the Greatest Got Dang country in the world! And it all started in 1776. So 35 of Carpex’ and 2 of F3 Raleigh’s finest did this. [Read More]

Animal Kingdom

13 PAX circled up on a perfect morning. Sun was shining, shovelflag was planted, and the PAX were ready. (disclaimer: this workout happened 7 days ago. My memory is very rusty, so what follows is probably only about 70% accurate) WARM UP Jog over to Booty Sea for Good Mornings, SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, then jog to the Taipai 101 lot for… THE THANG Two groups, one bear crawls to the end of the lot, second group squat hold. [Read More]

Time for Deliverance

June 12, 2017 The Twitter machine for today’s FOD workout kicked off early yesterday with a PBX call out for deliverance. Funny how karma works. YHC played along and immediately took the Q spot at #F3RushHour, dueling Banjo Qs in one day. Yes it is time for deliverance. The line has been drawn between the sedate city lifestyle and the unpredictability of the rural margin. Deadly weapons remained at home but the dueling Banjo Qs began in earnest at FOD. [Read More]

Flood Zone - Carpex version

Some large number south of 40 PAX assembled at the Senior Center for SNS/Vesper on a beautiful dry morning, with no concerns about the park flooding. One FNG care of Moore from Churham and after the disclaimer, we are off. Brisk run through a short greenway path to the Community Center. Warm Up SSX x 20 GM x 10 IW x 15 Sir Fazios x 15 Compass Merkins x 5 at N,E,S,W,N,W,S,E [Read More]