A Day in the Life

7 at A-Team. 18 at DTP. 25!! at Lion’s Den. A little more manageable here at Bounty Hunters, where there was a STRONG Happy Dino contingent this morning. 21 total, with 11 bootcampers and 10 runners. 0530: As the pax arrived, I shared the news to some who had not heard, about the passing of an F3 Knoxville pax, Taylor Phelps (Cardinal) during his VQ the day before. One of his planned exercises (that he didn’t get to) was the “Air Bike” (Freddy Mercury). [Read More]

Hard like Beskar

Well. It’s been a week. After a rare day off work last Friday, and having such a blast with a spelling bee at Danger Zone, I remembered how fun it is to Q. You never realize how bad you are at being a Q until you don’t do it for a long time, then try to jump back in the ring. DZ was a little different; I had a plan, and willing pax, and it was an out-and-back…what could go wrong? [Read More]


There was a disturbing abundance of sleeves at the skate park this morning. Warm-Up Mosey over to the Town of Apex parking lot and circle up for hillbillies, daisy pickers, arm circles, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees (one for each untanked pax). The Thang Mosey over to parking lot behind the building with the stairs on the sides. 5 hand release merkins, 5 squats, 5 LBCs and trip up and down the stairs. [Read More]

What R* We Doing???

A few weeks back I got the notion that it was time to Q at Bounty Hunters and take advantage of Site Q IPTF’s fantastic swag offer, the coveted Bounty Hunter decal. I looked out, synced up calendars, and found a June 3rd opening (May 4th was already snagged :( ). This was right after @Flenderson and @Hotspot’s fantastic May Hill Climb Challenge had finished, and after the Maynard 100 earlier in the month. [Read More]

Stroll around downtown

This morning 15 PAX met at Hunter Street Park for various festivities. Group 1 of 10 PAX took a stroll to downtown with YHC, Group 2 of 2 completed this week’s IronPAX challenge and Group 3 completed a bruisers workout on the soccer field. We also found another group of 2 that completed the happy Dino in prep of the BRR coming soon. At 5:30 sharp, a quick pledge and we were off towards the chamber of commerce, home of DTP on Tuesday. [Read More]

Catch'em Burpees

20 Pax today total with the guys that ran the Dino (I think)..

No FNG’s

We had 4 for EC run of 3 miles

Disclaimer and intro, Pledge

Mosey to the parking lot by ball field for warm up, some good stretching to get ready for the thang

The Thang

  • Partner up for Catch me if you can with burpees
    • Partner 1 did 5 burpees to start
    • continued for 2 laps around trail/ path around the fields
    • Reduce down to 4 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 3 burpees for 1 lap
    • Then 2 burpees for 1 lap
    • Running short on time for the last one so we split in 2 groups for a Washington run back to skate park for Mary

Mary with LBCs, Homer to Marge, and American Hammers

Merkins in the time of Blue Ridge

I have never seen “Love in the time of cholera”. Now there is “Love in the time of Corona”. Haven’t seen that either. But Friday at DP, we had something better. Arm work in the time of run-heavy Qs. But as with many workouts nowadays, this one started the night before with mindgames from Headroom. EC at 5am tomorrow. Let’s get in some miles!!! Headroom… circa 8pm Sure, sounds good. HC. [Read More]

One more lap

YHC was pleased to see 18 HIMs gather in the gloom for a mostly running workout. I realize the PAX like to incorporate all the major muscle groups so I incorporated a variety of exercises, but I really prefer running. Today we covered 2.8 miles around the parking lot, but next time we will take one more lap around the parking lot which should get us to 3. Disclaimer No FNGs, so standard disclaimer and Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]

Holy Sh*%! It's been a year!

What a crazy ass year it’s been! Thinking back to this time last year, I couldn’t have imagined that a few beers at Lowes Food with a bunch of dudes named Steve would have impacted me quite like it has. Chicken Little and Hamm had been working on me for months and I kept holding strong, sleeping in and making excuses. That was until Sooey had to go and buy me a beer – well, technically Schlitz gave me a free beer, but Sooey shelled out the dough for my second. [Read More]


When Hanson asked for someone to step up and take his Q this morning YHC gladly accepted the challenge. The first detour was expected since it was well advertised that YHC would be the QIC. The next detour was caused by the locked gates. The site Q’s need to see someone about that since it was starting to be a regular occurrence. The third detour was YHC realized the field was locked. [Read More]