When Sargent Squatter Came to DZ

When I saw that Hello Kitty had to give up his Q spot at Danger Zone I jumped at the opportunity. It is a very exclusive spot and the application process is quite tough. I had been rejected twice, but if I pretended to be Hello Kitty someone would figure it out when the sun started to come up. But if I pretended to be Hello Kitty pretending to be me everyone would just think it was a great disguise. [Read More]

Danger Zone Hills with Pain Deck

Date: 3/6/2020 Warm-up: GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, calf stretches with CFM and Eskimo merkins. Thang 1 Hill work with pain cards in between Spades - anvil Hearts - hand release burpees Diamonds - Merkins Clubs - Steve Earls Aces- PAX called ab exercise Thang 2 Mosey over to the rock pile for some global warming and rock work. Thang 3 Mosey to the soccer field for suicides. Mosey to the flag for 150s and have a nice day. [Read More]

No, Wait...That's Not What Happened...

Like most people, for me the thought of a Press On Q ranks up there with having a blind squirrel with arthritis perform dental surgery on you with no anesthesia while the two of you are being chased by a rabid gorilla on stilts named Rex–though why anyone would name a pair of stilts is beyond me. (Hey, if Press On wanted a lucid BB he should have told Blow Out to write it, not me). [Read More]

No Merkins

I posted at Danger Zone last week for only the second time to do a little recon as far as what I had to work with for today’s 6 month anniversary Q. McCants was a fantastic Q and showed us all, all of the finer areas this AO had to offer. I had a plan, sort of… That plan consisted of a Dora at the pavilion with dips and derkins and other lovely upper body work! [Read More]


So it was a day to redeem myself for my less than strong Q at Hells Bells the previous day. The workout was well designed—maybe the best is Carpex’s history—but I had not considered the effects of the Odyssey on my body. 5:45: We had an FNG (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it) so I rattled off the disclaimer (“we won’t leave you where we found you, but we will leave you in a well lit area. [Read More]