All The People

YHC has most recently led workouts that numbered three and four people, respectively. So I am not mentally prepared for the mass of humanity that descends on DTP this Tuesday morning. People keep pouring out of cars like Decal is handing out money or has an extra supply of gasoline. We need a slight change of plans to handle the crowd, but the show will go on. No FNGs. Pledge. [Read More]

Throuples Therapy

YHC normally isn’t a big Saturday workout guy. But there are boxes to be checked and swag to be claimed, so this Saturday it is off to the Green Mile. YHC shows up early to confirm that we can still break into the track, but amazingly there is a full blown track practice going on. I didn’t think high schoolers were physically capable of being awake that early on a Saturday. [Read More]

Things Were Meant to be Carried

Another glorious night in DTC, ok, it was gloomy and misty. It had been awhile since my last Q. I have been working on this idea for awhile. I arrived early to set up and Old Maid was already on his way out for an EC run, 4+ miles. 4 other did a EC around the ToC campus. Red Ryder let me know of a possible FNG he was bringing. I was nervous, since I had never Q’d when we had an FNG. [Read More]