Polishing our guns in the Animal Kingdom

A new Pax record set for tortoises today with 9 hearty souls. Staying true to the Tortoise reputation, we started off at 05:30 sharp with 10 burpees OYO, followed by 20 WW2s Then the warm up 15 - GM, 15 - Hillbilly, Sir Fazio - 20 each way - 10 little, 10 bigger reverse Over to the curb for some quick feet x30 and then The Thang Welcome to Animal Kingdom Run across the parking lot, crab walk back Backwards run, backwards crab Karaoke – duck walk Again – facing other direction - duck walk return Side shuffle – bear crawl Again – facing other direction – crawl bear Lunge walk – frog hop – Backwards lunge – frog hop Run - bunny hop Backwards run - bunny hop Having seen enough animals for now - we moved on (no cockroach, gorilla, monkey, Homer to Marge - yet) [Read More]

Site Q Convergence

I was reading over Franky’s BB yesterday and realized, wow. We just had a Site Q convergence at Kryptonite and I didn’t even know it! We had representation from A-Team, FWD x2, Vesper, DZ, DP, Krypto x2, BO, and even Isotope thanks to my man Don Ho with the surprise post this AM while he’s in town! So yeah, we were loaded down with Site Qs Franklin, sorry bruh. Betamax, Open Out, and Waterwings; See me after the backblast. [Read More]