Lazy Ass Hofberg

There were a few HIM who got after some EC running. YHC and Banjo tackled 5.5 and we saw the Mother of all Bells show up for some, but as I went to press I did not know how far he ran or who joined him. But if you did you know who you are and what you did. 0545 No FNG No reason for Disclaimer No time for the pledge. [Read More]

Just be ready!

Back in 2016, I decided to go to the gym the week after Christmas. Be committed and show up BEFORE all those people that start in January. I was on a mission to be less chubby and more healthy. Spin class two days a week. That was the answer! But Lifetime didn’t offer a morning class on Fridays at the Apex gym. Crimson had been pressuring nagging encouraging me to try his new workout group F3. [Read More]

South Of The Border

YHC started posting at Flying Circus when I first joined F3 in March of ’19, since moving the Durm’ I have not been back to post with Carpex but on a couple of occasions. My new year’s resolution is therefore to post and Q some of the Carpex AOs in WCary. Warm-up: 5 GM Cadence, 10 Windmills Cadence, 15 Side SHUFFLE Hops (Side Straddle Hops just sounds weird), 20 Mtn. Climbers [Read More]

The Indy 500

Preamble YHC was thinking about what to do when a post on some social media site or another fell into my lap talking about the Indy 500, something someone from Indianapolis had brought to the PAX to Minneapolis. Well, well, well. Not above shameless mimicry, I had me the makings of a Q The morning started with a pre-blasted EC run as well as the do-not-call-it-Vesper run at 0510. The czar of calf sleeves hisownself, Beaker, joined YHC for the standard end-end EC run while 4 elites took off for the West Cary hinterlands, not to be seen again until COT all sweaty and bloody nippled. [Read More]

Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!

After seeing a post about starting up a sports AO, I was inspired to lead an ultimate Frisbee workout. Luckily I own an LED Frisbee, so we can play in the dark, add a few glow bracelets for team identification and were good to go. After gathering in the parking lot and a pretty poor recitation of the disclaimer for the FNG, we mosey to the frozen tundra of flying circus. [Read More]

40 Minutes of Heck

11 HIMs showed up at the finest limited run AO on a Tuesday, 10 showed up on time. Warm-Up Quick lap around the pickle the circle up at the flag for imperial walkers, arm twirlies, good mornings and Frisco burpees. The Thang 10 burpees 15 star jumps 20 merkins 25 squats 30 LBCs Lap around the pickle AMRAP (As Many Repeatos As Possible) Mary One more round of LBCs then Have A Nice Day. [Read More]

Drive Thru Without a Car

YHC fiiiinally getting his first taste of a HFT Q! 18 other pax joined, 2 without sleeves. We heard the disclaimer, pledged our allegiance, ran to warm up, ran to the daycare and partnered up and got a demo of our first exercise, the toddler squat P1 run to bottom of the hill for 5 burpees P2 stay and to AMRAP overhead claps P1 + P2 do 10 Toddler Squats [Read More]

November 1

19 Pax showed up to the POGL newest Friday AO. No FNG’s this morning and no time to waste so let’s get started. Quick mosey around the lower parking lot and circled up. SSH’s, good mornings, calf stretch, sir fazio, and goofballs were called. Now that we are warmed up let’s begin. Most of my Q’s have some sort of theme, so we are going to spell out November. Partner up. [Read More]

One more lap!

Good weather brought 19 eagar PAX out this morning to A-Team. YHC took a quick warm up jog to stretch out since this was my first post in a week. After arriving back at the flag and stretching it was 5:44. Quick test of the PAX lead Crimson to provide the mission of F3 and Hotspot had to phone a friend of the disclaimer. Luckily Smokey was ready! After the pledge it was 5:45 and we were off! [Read More]

Lexicon JKL

Coldest morning of the week, 42 degrees in the gloom…..17 PAX came out for the Exicon J-K-L…2 had a good excuse…1 did not…you know who you are… Warm Up Jog, Low&Slow Good Mornings (yes, I cheated a bit on that one) and Jumping Jack Burpee Flash (10 Jumping Jacks & 10 burpees) Thang 1 Run up and down staircase, jog around the track & over to play ground Jumping Jack Burpee Flash Pull Ups (10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Burpees, 10 pull-ups) Repeato twice Jog over to the big track Thang 2 [Read More]