B R aRen't

18 Pax made it out to Hunter Street Park for a lovely 74 degree and 94 percent humid morning. Slack chatter was looking for an unfriendly BRR beatdown. Lots of mileage was logged yesterday so YHC agreed. See, not always Angry Shutty. Sometimes Very Accomodating Shutty. Here’s what went down after the 0545 disclaimer and Shut-In Shignature warmup… Thang 1: Plank-o-rama First pax took a lap around the soccer field fence and circled back up at the skate park. [Read More]

The Numbers Are Bad

My last Q at BH was not a themed Q… so it’s time to rectify that. A peek at the date pointed me in a singular direction. Add in the chance to do a little Strava artwork, and you got yourself a workout. FNG Check - none - Disclaimer - LET’S GO Mosey down to Town Hall for our first bit of artwork. In a large figure-8 around and through the complex, let’s stop in the center twice for: [Read More]

Round and Round

A Baker’s Dozen, including one FNG, converged on Hunter Street Park, unaware of what YHC had in store for the Thursday edition of Ryder-versary week. They were soon to find out. Warm Up Pledge allegiance with an even dozen, then mosey to the parking lot for more stuff. Circle up, and after SSHs, Cotton pickers and the first half of Sir Fazio, Khakis joins in the fun. We complete Sir Fazio, then knock out 10 burpees OYO. [Read More]