Finishing second still feels like a win

The Mike Fiorito Race for Second Place (MFRFSP) is a backyard ultra brought to you by Carpex’s finest ultra running shield lock, the Beige Bros. The goal is to reach 100 miles in 1 week by completing: 5 miles per day for 5 days Monday-Friday leading up to the main event 75 miles in a single day, Saturday, by completing a 5k at the start of each hour for 24 hours (0000-2300) You can run, ruck, or walk. [Read More]

Smoking the Smoky Mountain Relay 2022

For the first time, Carpex sent two 9-man teams to the Smoky Mountain Relay. Coincidentally, this was the first year that SMR had a 9-man division, and perhaps less coincidentally, the Carpex teams took 1st and 2nd place in that division. We’re going to cover a lot of ground in this backblast, from the teams, their experiences, the course, to a comparison with the perennial favorite Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), so buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpier ride than the “100% paved” abandoned Nantahala wilderness road of Leg 26! [Read More]

2022 May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge

(This Backblast is long….) Pre-Thang A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Away…. May the 4th Be With You CARPEX Challenge It is chaotic times in galaxy. The Empire as fallen. The New Republic is moving fast to gain control of former Imperial facilities. Mon Mothma has charged the New Republic Eclipse Team travel to the planet Wayland, located in the Inner Rim, to lock down a former Imperial Research Facility. [Read More]

Bridge and Rocks

6 posted at #ao-sat-whiplash. Warmup. Mosey to water fountain and some light stretching. Bridge. End to end run, back to center: 10 pull-ups , 10 merkins and 10 LBCs IC at one end, 10 CDDs and 10 Homers IC other end. Repeat x 4 Rock Pile to water fountain and back. With rock, 10 curls, 10 rows, 10 press, & 10 figures 8s. 10 active runners stretch IC at water fountain. [Read More]

It's raining, let's go play

It’s raining, mid 50s, let’s go. Mosey to St Michael’s with stop at main Bond Park entrance for warm-up, including Hillbilly’s sister. We thought about doing the Hillbilly’s sisters, the other one goes down, we’ll do that next time. 🌧️ Mosey to the St Michael’s soccer field stairs. Down the stairs, back up, around the parking lot right, then left, back to stairs.R1: 10 merkins at bottom, hit every step up, 10 merkins at top, 20 right then left lunges at the right end of parking lot. [Read More]

Decades Day 2: Measure Twice 50's

Day Two – and the first “official” AO day. As a new site Q for Measure Twice, felt like a perfect setting to continue the week. The site moved from the original Carpenter Park location (hence the AO name) to Northwest Park, technically in Morrisville. This is primarily due to access to RTP Trails, which normally would have fallen on this day. After some pre-blasting to the regulars to ensure no mutiny, YHC decided to stick to the regular paved loop. [Read More]

Grand plans... but no Ark

Measure Twice. Outside of DZ, my most frequented - and most Qed - AO in 2021. So might as well keep that distinction going in 2022! Oh the plans I had this morning. The running … the trails … the hills … not to mention the yoga! Oh the yoga! The PAX were going to be beaten down, broken up and then yoga-glued back together in ways the rest of the AOs could only dream of. [Read More]

West meets East

Men of Carpex, thank you for having us. We had a blast, and your mumble chatter game is truly second to none. Q - F3 GODRUSH’s Happy Meal and Bilbo 13 pax The Thing: Active warm-up: People’s chair w/ bat wings, copperhead squats, and alligator merkins. 11s on the grassy Hill. Bear crawl uphill, Scorpion Dry Docks (Cali kids legally can’t do Carolina Dry Docks in NC), crawl bear downhill, and Turkish get-ups. [Read More]

OG Bootcamp

With all the training for the BRR, I need more bootcamp in my life. The pythons are looking a little sickly (not in the good millenial phrasing way) and I may be a little loose in the cage. This week has been all about more balanced workout - and less miles. So when the chance to Q arguably the greatest AO location in all of Carpex popped up, I jumped all over it and decided to deliver an OG style bootcamp. [Read More]

9/3/21 SWW 4 year anniversary

24 total PAX. Pineapple and Chops were not there, even though they clicked the HC button. I assume they know what HC stands for. Half was there. I assume Burt told him he should go. Lookout ran a bunch of miles so we would quit asking him how he felt and was there for COT. It was a glorious 57 degrees on the Trusty Tundra Thermometer. Spectacular relief from the recent sweatfests. [Read More]