110 Burpees (Don't be Late)

Date: 6/12/2019 Pax: Triple Lindy, WWW, Theisman, Frisco, Meatloaf, Sega, Ashbury, Snooze, Intimidator, Baiter, Freebird, More, Wichita, Everyready, Alamo, Ezekiel, Hotty Toddy, Balut Pledge of Allegiance Warm-up: Mosey, GM’s, WM’s, backwards run, 20 burpees (courtesy of Frisco and Intimidator) Thang 1: 25 pull-ups done in sets of five alternating the grip each time Thang 2: A plank set Thang 3: Partnered up and partner one ran to other side of the parking lot while partner two did some ab exercise. [Read More]

I will not leave you

Men, Two years ago today I showed up in the F3 Carpex Gloom at the invite of my fraternity brother, Jamie “Repeato” Roseborough. I had been back in North Carolina for about eight months and things were going well. I was getting in workouts about three days a week in the gym and crushing a strong 2-3 mile solo run on the weekend. Things were fine, right? Wrong. Something was still missing, and as they say, you now know the rest of the story. [Read More]

Just Getting Started!

After some debate on which parking lot we should circle up in we stuck with the standard operating procedure for SWW. After a delivery of the disclosures to our FNG we moseyed over to the back parking lot for some warm-up. SSH x 20 Sir Fazio Forward x 11 Sir Fazio Backward x 11 Seal Clap x 11 Merkins x 15 Calf Stretch Thang 1 Next, YHC had the PAX mosey to the Baseball Field and line up facing the outfield/infield from the 3rd base line. [Read More]

All About Preparation

AO: Slippery When Wet QIC: Staubach 18 Wonderful Pax learned a valuable life lesson today. Preparation and practice is the key to success. I entered the the morning well rested with a perfectly timed and orchestrated plan that both started and ended on time. Many Pax will say Staubach got back from Atlanta very late, had less than 3 hours of sleep and had over 2 hours of exercises planned for the 45 minute time slot…. [Read More]

Bringing Sally Up

A F3 mentor taught me long ago to only Q what you can do. A nice catchy phrase and one that I have tried to adhere to. I believe as the Q it’s important to lead by example in attitude, effort and execution of all exercises called. When a man volunteers to lead other men he wants to be his best on that day in every way he can. Ideally all of the above falls in place for every Q everyday. [Read More]

Fini-Q - Double Duty 11’s was the flavor of the day.

Date: January 23, 2019 QIC: WWW AO: Tortoises PAX: Ashbury, Baiter, Biner, Blue Water, Clementine, Cool Beans, Crimson, Doogie, Ezekiel, FNG Fiddler (on the roof), Hotty Toddy, Imp, Intimidator, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley, Moore, Nerf, Red Ryder, Rooney, Sooey, Sub, Spartan, Theismann, Trike, WWW, Yogi Tortoise’s anniversary is coming up on Feb 2, 2019. Crimson approached me last week to discuss the plan via Slack. He actually twisted my arm saying since the anniversary is coming up, we should Q the rest of the Wednesdays until we have the changing of the guard. [Read More]