What Ship Do You Captain?

The original Q had a last-minute conflict, so I grabbed the slot last night. It’s arm day. 19 Pax showed up for a Back-in-Black with no announced Q. Carpex 1stF Q Hermes was in attendance and took note. 5:15 start. I’m running a Q School 101 session in October, so I led with the mission and core principles, even though I was in front of the all-star team. Nailed the principles; work to be done on the mission. [Read More]

No Respect Monday

The crowd at Kryptonite this morning is trending to the younger side. We don’t even have Term Paper, although he is apparently identifying as a teenager these days. Thank goodness Staubach showed up or I might be the oldest guy here. A half dozen or so arrive early to run around for the EC while I arrive early to figure out exactly what we are going to be doing this fine morning. [Read More]

3 Months Away

We are officially three months away from BRR, and YHC isn’t in shape for that at the moment. Time to get to work. And on this insanely muggy morning we have 22 other HIMs with the same idea. One of them is not Francois, who is ducking this thing despite being a Site Q. No FNGs, although Free Solo is apparently back for workout #2. Pledge. A short mosey to the side parking lot and circle up for a warm up. [Read More]

Of Course Battle Ropes Suck

I will admit that prior to 2021 I had only been to one workout at Cornerstone (aka the Artist formerly known as Sovereign Grace.) But now that I know this place has battle ropes and tires I am definitely coming back. That is the kind of stuff that was fun back when I knew what the inside of a gym looked like. 7 other guys roll in on a beautiful morning. [Read More]