Ode to the Site Q

After all the ECs came to a conclusion and the dust cloud of PAX settled in, the disclaimer was given, and we we’re off into the few minutes of gloom we had left… FNG Check… welcome Kevin! Let’s do this. Mosey halfway to the power lines and circle up in the gravel for SSH // IW // SFAC // rSFAC // OC // SC // Merkins Continue through the park stopping in the second parking area for copperhead good mornings. [Read More]

YOLIO (You only lose it once).

8 brave (or just sympathetic/misguided?) PAX came out to HARES @ Sovereign Grace Church this morning to attend YHC’s VQ! Rookie mistakes were made. Lessons were learned. The mumblechatter a constant. But in the end we all got to play with some coupons, hopefully got slightly wrecked, and we all came out the other side better than when we began. 0500 - Sub and 3 others kicked the morning off with some EC mileage and pullups. [Read More]

Ninjago in da HOUSE

When: April 17th 2019 QIC: Ninjago The PAX: Pickles, WWW, Rooney, Deuce, Hanson, Honeycomb, Ninjago, Hello Kitty, Frisco, Billy, Ascot, Sub, Trike, Sabre, Intimidator, Lawn Dart, Ezekiel, Chipper, Sloth, Lambeau YHC Earhart 21 PAX gather in the early morning gloom to celebrate Ninjago’s 2nd ever Q, this time at Tortoises. After a quick disclaimer and the pledge, the Q drags us around the upper parking lot to circle up for: Warm Up Good Mornings [Read More]

42, A Non-theme Theme

Who knew!?! A vanilla high tempo run work with absolutely no theme found a theme by the end of the beatdown! The sevens doubled turned out to be 42 of each exercise and Hanson logged almost 4.2 miles of running in the workout. Now, in full disclaimer, most of probably ran closer to 3.5 - 4.0 miles but 4.2 helped create a theme for this non-themed workout Disclaimer then run a quarter mile loop that will establish the route for the later timed work. [Read More]

If we run fast it's not really trespassing

YHC & Chanticleer for a 3.4 mile EC run. Hanson for a “I woke up late” solo run. Michelob ran in from The Barkley Marathon. Some knew what they were getting into this morning. Others were caught off guard. All were made stronger. We started right on time by circling up where we stood for some Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, Plank Jacks. **Thang 1 **Partner Up. Catch me if you can (w/ Jump Lunges and Star Jumps) from the parking lot to the end of Lynch Rd and stop where the No Trespassing signs are posted. [Read More]

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]

Stay In It

Pre-Blast 15 men grew stronger together physically, relationally, and spiritually at Apex’s premier limited run work out on Wednesday that meets at Sovereign Grace Church, Tortoises. Incredible extended COT with several men sharing about their struggles and victories related to mental health. After a raise of hands, we realized that virtually everyone in the circle had dealt with one or more of the issues we discussed in their life. I especially loved seeing the young guys learning from the older guys who’ve really been through. [Read More]

The Long Way across a Small Town

4 HIMs gathered round the flag at Sovereign Grace Church for the finest high tempo workout in Apex on Mondays. Is this high tempo, or is it running? Or is it both? Yogi has the Q and moves us along. Warm Up Run to Hunter Street Park The Thang Do 10 burpees OYO, then sets of WWIIs, Irkins, Dips. Take a lap around the soccer field, meet back at the skate park. [Read More]

The Leprechaun

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. Irish proverb With AOs closed on the patron saint of Ireland’s big day (St. Patrick’s Day), YHC jumped at the opportunity to Q Tortoises in order to pre-celebrate all things Irish with a rough-and-tumble group of HIMs. [Read More]

I Pledge Allegiance...

‘Twas a quiet, gloomy morning at Sovereign Grace Church. YHC arrived about 0515, just early enough for some EC stretching and pullups. There were moments it appeared this would be a post of 1 PAX. Alas, soon Hanson rumbled in and others joined. First exercise, the Pledge of…no flag. No pledge. Warm Up Mosey to the front lot for SSHs, Moroccan Night Clubs and Overhead claps. Mosey to the pull-up bars for 10 pull-ups each. [Read More]