Triangle Up

A pax of 3 showed up for a nice and relatively cool evening beatdown. The two minute warning came and went, and after the Pledge of Allegiance we were moseying around the other side of the police station and office buildings for the following warm up exercises: Warm up: Good Evening SSH Imperial Walkers Overhead Clap Seal Clap 10 Turkish Getups Thang 1: We moseyed across the street to the “lights circle” in front of the fidelity bank. [Read More]

10 to Win

10 HIMs joined us today for a beautiful July 3rd morning. No FNG’s Intro, Yogi gave us the mission statement and then we pledged Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for a warm up Good mornings Side Straddle Hops Sir Fazio Arm circle (front and back) Imperial Walkers Control Freak Merkins THANG 1: Mosey around the lot to pick up coupons (center blocks) and partner up Partner 1 did Rock Your Body with the coupon Partner 2 bear crawled 1 light pole down the parking lot and lunged walk back We did this for 15 minutes Thang 2 Mosey over to the pull up bars for a round of Cindy (15 minutes) [Read More]

We're playing basketball, we're playing basketball.

Date: 7/2/2019 PAX: Aristocrat, Cataracts, Frisco, My Cousin Vinny, Pickles, Press On, Willy Wonka, WWW Claymore is one of those AO that provides many options for a workout. As I listened to 43 feet the day prior with CSPAN speaking to Billy Bob from the F3 Columbia region. Billy Bob is the Nantan of the region. He was brought on to the pod-call-in to talk about lessons learned about being a Nantan of a region. [Read More]

148, 44, 54, 6, 3, 2

Angry Elf and YHC had it all planned out. Until 50 guys showed up at Danger Zone! Too many to take down into the bowels of the park. But we have a glorious field that fits 50 perfectly. Anyway, today was a big day. A day of numbers one might say. 6 - Carpex’ 6th Anniversary. Evidence shows the first Cary F3 workout occurred on 5/31/2013 at North Cary Park and was named Danger Zone. [Read More]

One for the Record Books

YHC apparently forgot why Rush Hour got its name! Waze said 5:43 arrival and it was dead on. Popped out the car and noticed a LOT of people waiting around for a Q. 19 to be exact. It was said that’s a record, not sure the accuracy of that but YHC will take it! Why so many guys!? 1. The weather, bro! It was gorgeous out there! 2. The beers that would soon follow. [Read More]

Dude Solutions

Although it was the earliest AO on the schedule for the day, the forecast said it was not the coldest at the start. So we had that going for us. And a quick shout out to Hermes who was so concerned that I was lost as I drove past the parking lot to scout out a location, that he walked up the hill to the road to make sure I made it back safe and on-time. [Read More]

Thankful (especially for FNGs on Thanksgiving)

YHC is thankful for many things; my loving family, a full table this Thanksgiving, and a purpose-driven career. But, above all things, I’m thankful for the blessings of FNGs on Thanksgiving Day. More to come, but first: The annual Thanksgiving Convergence means the men of Carpex descend upon the finest AO in all the land, Bradford’s Ordinary, and this year the weather right-perfect for a proper beatdown. EC run waves launched at 0600 and 0630 (psst, Frisco showed up at 0538 texting YHC, “um when are we starting? [Read More]

Is it Begin or Exercise.... (it's exercise...)

So a little less than 5 Months ago in May, an overweight, really out of shape FNG wandered up to Rush Hour. I was welcomed warmly by Old Maid and Disco Duck, and Riptide showed up to lead the Pax at 17:45. We went to the parking deck and ran the stairs with pain sticks and baked on the top deck of the parking deck. Now I am less overweight and less out of shape so in honor of that work out we would not be going to the parking deck or getting close to pain sticks… [Read More]

Site Q Duty

Maybe Hi-liter thinks it is at 5:45? Maybe he is late? He has been here for a 5:30 start. Humm, I guess we will stay close in case he is late. Hi-liter leads a lot so when his alarm didn’t go off and he was a no-show for FWD I was happy to step up and exercise my Site Q duty to lead the Q. Warm Up - Run and circle up by the park back to the flag for for SSH, GM, Merkins, Hill Billies, PJ, MC [Read More]

The Vandals Sack Rome

The day is June 2nd. The year is AD 455. Rome is being sacked for the third time. Today, we are the Vandals who will take the city. Today’s Playlist 06:30 – FNG Check – we have one, Noah – Disclaimer – LET’S ROLL Jog around the over to the secret garden for a warmup. Good Mornings / Side Straddle Hops / Cotton Pickers / Imperial Walkers / Merkins / Mountain Climbers / Plank Jacks [Read More]