Tryon this Coupon

19 gathered in the soupy gloom. 1 FNG, quick disclaimer followed by practice mozy lap. Warm Up SSH x 15 Hillbillies x 11 GM x 11 MC x 11 Plankjacks x 11 Merkins x 22 Thang Blue and Out pulls in to get us to an even 20 10 penalty burpees Form groups of 4 and grab 2 coupons per squad 2 exercise while 2 walk/jog a lap with coupon of choice [Read More]

Orbiting Planet Tortoise

Twelve other PAX gathered at Tortoises on a crisp moonlit morning to see what YHC had in store for them. Good mumble chatter as the PAX gathered and Crimson performed some sort of contortionist stretches to warm up, complete with moans and groans. With everyone ready and no FNGs, we set off for a warmup loop around the front parking lot and back to the side lot for warmups: SSH x 20 IC IW x 10 IC GM x 10 IC Sir Fazio x 10 IC Mountain Climbers x 10 IC For the featured part of the workout, we’re recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Sputnik launch (October 4, 1957). [Read More]

Sooey's Birthday Party

29 PAX from Carpex and South Wake joined me to celebrate my birthday at Bounty Hunters! This was my first Q and I’ve been thinking about how to deliver a solid showing for my 38th birthday. We welcomed one FNG (Parker) and provided him with the standard disclosures. After giving my 1 minute warning we were off at 5:45 sharp, or so I thought! We had a visit from the Apex PD that got us off to a slow start. [Read More]

Good Enough

YHC garnered an early spot on the BH Q sign up just hours after the Red Carpet event and still had to wait till today. Despite homestead proximity, YHC was nevertheless reduced to recon mode looking for those undiscovered nuggets of pain. As the Q, YHC is not a fan of the typical and ordinary but rather that ever exclusive diamond in the rough [though some may see it more as a hidden but disturbed rattler that, well, should be left undisturbed]. [Read More]